Men Stroll for Menstruation: Promoting Men’s Involvement in Menstrual Hygiene Management


In today’s world, there are 131 million girls who are not attending school, with 100 million of them being of high school age. The transition from primary to secondary education is a critical period for girls, coinciding with their first menstrual cycle. However, little is known about menstrual hygiene management (MHM) practices and access among schoolgirls in parts of Zambia especially among men. Moreover, cultural norms often exclude men from discussions around menstruation, hindering progress in this vital area. In a groundbreaking initiative, Copper Rose Zambia organized the Men Stroll for Menstruation, a men’s-only fundraising walk, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of men’s involvement in MHM and procuring sanitary pads for vulnerable community schools.

Men Stroll for Menstruation: A March Towards Change

The Men Stroll for Menstruation event was a resounding success, with men from various institutions across Lusaka coming together to support menstrual hygiene. With an exhilarating music band leading the way, the determined participants marched along Cairo Road, capturing the attention of onlookers and motorists. The walk symbolized a significant step towards breaking the silence surrounding menstruation and recognizing that men have a crucial role to play in promoting menstrual hygiene. Cosmas Chifwambwa, Copper Rose Zambia’s Youth and Gender Officer, emphasized the significance of the Men Stroll for Menstruation: “It’s a great achievement for the organization to hold the first-ever Men’s Stroll with a motive to support adolescent girls’ Menstrual Hygiene. It’s an eye-opener for adolescent boys and young male adults to understand that Menstrual Hygiene is not an issue for girls or women only but also our issue as men too.”

Promoting Gender Equality and Menstrual Hygiene

Menstruation is a natural process that affects everyone indirectly through their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces, or aunts. Despite this connection, men often shy away from discussions surrounding menstruation, leading to limited support for women and girls. It is time to change this narrative and engage men as ambassadors and change-makers who challenge myths, misconceptions, and practices that perpetuate fear, shame, and discomfort among menstruators.

Creating an Inclusive Approach to Menstrual Hygiene

To address the gender inequalities and cultural norms surrounding menstruation, Copper Rose Zambia and its partners organized the Men Stroll for Menstruation event. The walk aimed to raise awareness, break the silence, and engage decision-makers to commit to menstrual hygiene management at both national and local levels. Additionally, the event sought to raise funds to provide 1000 packs of sanitary pads, both washable and disposable, to two vulnerable community schools in Kanyama compound.

Promoting Men’s Engagement: A Call for Change

Men and boys play crucial roles in women’s and girls’ experiences of menstrual hygiene management. As husbands, fathers, brothers, peers, community leaders, and policymakers, they have the power to positively impact MHM. By participating in initiatives like the Men Stroll for Menstruation, men can challenge traditional beliefs and contribute to a more supportive and inclusive environment for women and girls.


Men Stroll for Menstruation was a significant milestone in promoting men’s involvement in menstrual hygiene management. By marching through the streets of Lusaka, men showed their commitment to breaking taboos and supporting women and girls in managing menstruation effectively. Copper Rose Zambia and its partners are determined to continue the conversation around MHM, striving for a future where menstruation is a normal fact of life for all. Together, we can create an environment that ensures equal opportunities for girls and empowers women to manage menstruation with dignity and hygienically.

Participants during the Copper Rose Zambia men’s fundraising walk along Cairo Road