My Home Away From Home – Inonge’s Volunteer Journey

Inonge Sikananu, a Graduate from the University of Zambia with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Gender studies is a Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) peer educator under Copper Rose Zambia (CRZ), she works as a part time translator and transcriber. Inonge is also a Gender and Human Rights trainee under LoveCare Foundation Cameroon/PPSI Zambia.

“I love being a voice to the voiceless and lending a helping hand to those who need one and CRZ has been the home that has made that dream a reality. I love calling CRZ a home away from home because that is what it has been to me. At CRZ everyone is treated equally, loved equally and given equal opportunities. They nurture us like babies and see to it that we become who we are supposed to be in society,” she said. Inonge joined Copper Rose Zambia as a peer educator in February, 2020 when she was a third year student at the UNZA.

“One Day, after class my friends and I decided to visit the University of Zambia Response office where I registered my interest in joining the team. After a few weeks, I received a call from the UNZA Response office asking me if I was interested in attending a five day workshop organized by CRZ. I was so excited that I couldn’t reject the offer! Well I guess its fate and I am so grateful for that call because it changed my life for the better,” she explained.

She reiterated that after the workshop she knew that CRZ would be her new home because of  how they welcomed and kept her busy with activities which in turn sharpened her communication and interpersonal skills. She added that after engaging in several activities she is now able to stand in front of a crowd and speak with confidence because the organization trained her well. “In case you are wondering if CRZ is the home for you, the answer is yes! Given another chance at life, I’d still wish to be a part of CRZ. I told you earlier that I am a transcriber, translator and gender and Human Rights trainee, well guess what?? All that was made possible because of CRZ,” Inonge further added.

She also revealed that the organization gave her an opportunity to take free online courses with certificates awarded at the end. She did the online courses and acquired certificates in Community Based Family planning, Gender and youth sexual reproductive health, Family planning to mention a few she used the certificates to apply for other job openings.  Inonge ardently shared that through the same certificates, she managed to get the post of a Gender and Human Rights trainee under LoveCare foundation Cameroon.

She further added that CRZ is indeed home away from home highlighting that the organization empowers, builds and walks with young people at each step of their journey. Inonge concluded by appreciating Copper Rose Zambia for the great opportunity the organization has offered to her in order to build her career and personal skills.