USAID Controlling HIV Epidemic for Key and Underserved Populations (CHEKUP) 1

Donor: USAID


The USAID CHEKUP I project, led by CIDRZ and implemented in partnership with the Young Women’s Christian Association of Zambia (YWCA), Key Populations Civil Society Organizations (KP-CSOs), and Copper Rose Zambia (CRZ), aims to reduce new HIV infections among priority and key populations most at risk. CRZ is active in 7 districts: Lusaka, Kitwe, Luanshya, Mufulira, Ndola, Chingola, and Livingstone, with a focus on delivering the Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) intervention.

CBIM targets adolescent boys aged 10-14 through sports, using coaches as mentors to instil values that reject violence, especially against women and girls. The program integrates HIV and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention messages into football sessions, fostering early engagement with boys to challenge harmful gender norms.


To improve health outcomes in Zambia by preventing new HIV infections among priority and key populations at higher risk.


  • Over 16,000 boys have been reached through CBIM interventions. 
  • More than 200 have accessed HIV testing services.
  • Over 20 have received voluntary medical male circumcision. 
  • Success stories highlight increased empathy, reduced violence, and active involvement in GBV prevention and HIV awareness, creating a new generation of health advocates.

Time frame: October 2021 – October 2026
Thematic area: Health and Wellbeing/Gender Equity